
Your kids can help!

I will be the first to admit that I am not tech savvy. I actually feel sickened going into a store that sells laptops, thumb drives, tablets, and so on. […]

Homeschoolers socializing in ballet class,

For many homeschoolers, socializing can be difficult. This goes for students both on the extroverted and introverted sides. Many parents also find themselves in fear that their child or teen […]

Summer Fun in the Pool

Warmer weather has arrived! Wherever you are in your schooling (done, almost finished, or in the middle) there is no denying that the warmer weather is here. Pool parties, barbecues, […]

Your soulmate awaits!

Okay, so we all are quite aware of the upcoming holiday on Sunday: St. Valentine’s Day! This post is especially dedicated to all those that will be “alone” or “un-partnered” […]

Hi! Did you just make assumptions about me?

So we have all been told: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. I confess: I do that ALL THE TIME. If my sister or mom finally convinces me to […]

Mom Who?

As a homeschool mom, it is easy to feel unappreciated. You are often the forgotten one as you tend to the needs of your family. It is nice to have […]