
The invisible line of impossible

I was in 2nd grade, sitting in a classroom doing crafts at my church’s annual vacation bible school. Trying to get the kids to converse, the leaders started asking questions […]

Be the reason someone smiles today!

The Usual Interpretation We have probably all heard the phrase “leave things better than you found them” at some point in our lives. However, sometimes I myself feel I am limiting […]

Be S.M.A.R.T.!

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas! As we prepare to enter 2016, I would like to share a few tips and guidelines that helped me create my goals for this previous […]

Celebrate your weekly goals!

We all know how important hard work is. But sometimes we fail to realize how important enjoying what we worked for is. I am talking about the reward of what […]

All it takes is dedication.

Last week, I was at the pool exercising with a few of my family members. After I had been swimming laps for about 15 minutes I stopped for a short […]

The Time to ACT is now!

Do you ever say or think…I will get in shape after I am done having children, or I will get organized after my kids move out, or my spiritual life […]

Spending Your Summer Wisely

Summer is a vacation from school. A time meant to kick back and relax while enjoying the fruits of our hard labor throughout the school year. Yet how many times […]