Real World Examples of Reschedule Tool in Action
This is the fifth part in a multi-post series of blogs relating to the Reschedule Tool. As the blogs are released, their respective links will become active.
- Overview
- Sickness, Hospitalizations, and Other Unplanned Absences
- Miss One Day, Double Up on the Next Day
- Working Ahead
- Complete Lessons By Certain Date
- Creating a Gap
Complete Lessons By a Certain Date or “I want to be done on this given day!”
Students may be motivated to complete school by an earlier date to achieve a goal of some kind, vacation, prize/gift, or just be done with the year!
For example, some parents motivated their children to finish up the school year early and if kids did, the parents would assist in purchasing some video gaming equipment. Needless to say, the students aggressively hit the books to get done by that date. Whatever the motivation, here’s how to do it.
In this example, your student tells you on Jan. 1 that they want to complete school by April 30 and not May 31 as you had originally planned.
1. The Reschedule Start would be “today” or the day the kids will start the more aggressive lesson schedule, ex: Jan. 1.
2. Reschedule End can be left blank so we get all the remaining, incomplete lessons.
3. The New Start Date would be set to “today” or the “next school day” that we want to do school work, ex: Jan. 2, as the family took a day off on Jan. 1.
4. Set Force End Date to the date when all work should be completed, ex: April 30.
Please note: that by setting a Force End Date, multiple lessons of the same class may be scheduled on the same day. In that case, My School Year will distribute the lessons evenly across the remaining school term.