Here is a quick list of 10 things you may not know about your My School Year Record Keeping membership.

10. You don’t have to fill in every empty box (field) on the site to use it. Many fields are optional and not required.
9. Planbook allows you to see more than one student, class, past due/current/upcoming lessons, and so much more by choosing different search criteria and search result filters.
8. My School Year does not keep any of your student’s sensitive information, like Social Security Numbers. This keeps you and My School Year safer from would-be hackers. When Social Security Number is used, like when generating transcripts, we dump it and do not store it for your safety.
7. To create a transcript you don’t even have to have any lessons in a class. Just make a class and assign a grade. Yes, it is that easy!
6. Grading options can be customized so that tests and daily work are worth different percentages. You can have different percentages for projects, final tests, special assignments and so on. You can assign these percentages per class if you like.
5. You can give a number grade on tests and a letter grade on papers for the same class and My School Year will automatically calculate the grade for you based on the final outcome you desire. So an 87 on a test and a B paper can quickly render an accurate final letter or number grade.
4. Lesson plans can be made beforehand or after the work is completed. Set up your lessons for an entire year in advance or just enter a single, comprehensive lesson after the school year is over.
3. Create-A-Plan Quick Split isn’t just for dividing books by pages. A textbook can be split by lessons to be completed in the number of school days, weeks, and so forth.
2. Create-A-Plan can be used multiple times for the same class so you can have recurring tests only on a given day, or each day with a specific assignment.
1. Ready-made lesson plans are available for you to use and copy for your students. Search other lessons under My Homeschool > Tools > Copy Classes/Lessons.
Don’t forget that every page on the website has a support email and toll free phone number listed to help you accomplish your task at hand.