Learn more about the My School Year Homeschool Record Keeping release that occurred on September 6, 2017.
View Lesson’s “Completed Date”
What is it? Whenever you “edit” a completed lesson plan from the Lesson Plan screen, the Completed Date will display.
How it works. Regardless of the lesson plan date, the date that the lesson was marked “Completed” will be tracked and displayed.
What is this for? It is easy to forget when items were marked for completion, especially if the lesson plan dates are not in-line with the student’s work.
Extra Curricular Report Custom Date Range
What is it? You can now select specific date ranges when generating an Extra Curricular report.
How it works. In the “Activities” report input, select the “Custom Date Range” option. A start/end date input display will appear. Enter in your dates.
What is this for? When generating a student’s previous year’s volunteer work or assembling college application information, it is imperative to only select activities that are part of a particular date range.
Smarter Term Selection
What is it? In the student’s Attendance, Awards, Events, and Reading Logs/Lists sections, the selected term is based on “today’s” date.
How it works. The system will review all your terms. If “today” falls within the start/end date range of a given term, it will automatically select that one when the screen first loads.
What is this for? The system previously selected the latest term. This update makes daily and current reporting faster and more efficient since the member will most like being tracking “today’s” activities.
Event Time Displayed on Report
What is it? You can now have the option to display the Event Time on the Event Report.
How it works. In the “Display” options of the Event Report, select “Event Time”.
What is this for? Since Events can track Event Time, the report now also displays it.
System Adjustments
In every software system in the world, the need to make tweaks will always exist. Since some of you may have encountered these “un-documented features” (e.g. bugs), here is a list of items corrected.
- The Instructional Hours report now correctly filters and displays the “Core”, “Elective” and “All” setting.
- Unused materials from deleted lessons can now be removed from the system.
- The system blocks the user from deleting the last student. One student is required.
- Student names can contain an apostrophe (‘).