Prayers Please
A Request for Prayers I have a heart that is filled with sadness and joy at the same time. How can this be? Our beautiful, wonderful, sweet, 11 month old […]
A Request for Prayers I have a heart that is filled with sadness and joy at the same time. How can this be? Our beautiful, wonderful, sweet, 11 month old […]
We’ve moved! Now comes the unpacking and household set-up. It is a lot of work and no matter how much we do it seems like there is still so much more! […]
As everyone is getting organized, we are getting disorganized! At least that is how it feels in our household. We have boxes in every room, some are lined along the […]
A brand New Year is a fresh start! Whether your homeschool year is just beginning, in the middle, or towards the end, now is a great time to get organized. […]
I’m new to the world of blogging. In fact technology is changing so fast for me that some things that are already old news and out never made it to […]