Time to Blog

I’m new to the world of blogging. In fact technology is changing so fast for me that some things that are already old news and out never made it to “in” for me. I guess in some ways I’ve been able to avoid some trendy stuff that wasn’t worth the time or energy.

Being a homeschool mom takes a lot of time and energy and I just can’t afford to be wasteful. At the same time, I think it’s important to make room for personal growth and fulfillment or else we will be out of all the time and energy that we were trying to put to good use.

The question is always how to keep a balance between time wasting and simple rejuvenation? It actually takes a conscious effort to consider how we use our time and whether or not it was well spent. Only we can answer that question for our self in a honest way. If everything is crumbling around us and we are behind in our duties then get back on track and take control. If everything is crumbling around us and we are behind in our duties then maybe we need to take a break and regroup. See what I mean? It really boils down to taking a good honest look at ourselves and finding that balance.

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