Reading Log Creation Using the Bookshelf

One of my favorite features is the Bookshelf!  There are so many ways to use the Bookshelf that I get excited about all the possibilities.  My purpose is not to overwhelm anyone but keep things simple, so here are a few ways you can use it in your school.

I am responsible for adding the books to the Bookshelf that we check out from the public library.  I use the check out receipt from the public library to enter all the book information and I assign each book a reading level.  My students read through all the books during the month.  At the end of the month they are able to add the books they read to their reading logs.  They use the last day of the month for recording the date.

Here are step by step instructions that you can print out or show your child so that they can learn to add to their reading log when the books are already on the Bookshelf.

  1. click on student name
  2. select “add from bookshelf”
  3. when the pop up window appears, the reading level for that student is selected, leaving the Author and Title blank
  4. click on search
  5. a list now appears with all the books in that reading level
  6. Click on “add” by all the books that have been read

The reading log is now updated!  You or your student have the option to visit the reading log and select the book to enter a date of completion or notes.

Want a nice print out for the next library trip?

I have all reading levels.  I like knowing that once I’ve added a book to the Bookshelf it will remain on the shelf for future students to add to their logs.  I also have a nice list of Book Titles in a specific reading level that I can use or print out for future checkouts.  I don’t have to remember all the great book titles that my older kids have enjoyed when the younger kids reach those reading levels!

  1. Simply select Bookshelf in the brown Library section
  2. Using SmartGrid click on “filter”
  3. Select the desired reading level from your own classification system
  4. SmartGrid buttons allow you to download into PDF or Excel for printing or data manipulation.

Now enjoy those books!

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