Make the Right Resolutions This Year

2016 has come to a close! And as the reality of 2017 sinks in, it is time to ask ourselves some questions:

  • What did we accomplish?
  • How far have we come since the beginning of 2016?
  • What would we like to see happen in 2017?
Happy New Year 2017
Happy New Year 2017

Choose the Right Resolution

When fulfilling 2017 resolutions, it can be easy to feel burned out by the end of February or possibly even sooner (maybe today?). This can be avoided by choosing the right type of resolutions that work the best for each of us personally.

First off, are your goals the right challenge for you?

If your goals are too easy, you could find yourself putting it off thinking you’ll get to it later. In the same way, if your goals are too huge and you don’t set baby steps to attain it, you will find yourself discouraged easily. If you have a large goal, break it down into pieces that are fairly attainable. Climb the mountain in increments.

Secondly, you must realize you are going to have to work.

I know, terrible isn’t it? In order to accomplish your goal you must know the challenges you will face and a plan to overcome them. Remember, nothing worth having comes easy and the great city of Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Thirdly, don’t compare your life or resolutions to others.

Everyone is on a different path in life, and you will feel constantly burned out if you aspire to always be better than everyone else. Their dreams will be different than yours. Find something YOU want to accomplish for YOU, not anyone else.

Happy New Year! ?

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